Can You Be Pregnant and Not Know It?

For women who have experienced the onset of pregnancy symptoms like nausea/vomiting, exhaustion, and a missed period, it is hard to imagine not knowing you are pregnant.  However, there are stories of women not realizing they are pregnant until they have entered into their third trimester, or until they are in labor! So how does … Continued

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Why Should I have an Ultrasound before an Abortion?

It’s understandable to think, “Why would I need an ultrasound?  I’ve made up my mind to have an abortion.” Most OB-GYN doctors report that an ultrasound is a vital next step before going through with an abortion procedure, and can be lifesaving to a woman presenting with a positive pregnancy test.   According to the … Continued

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My Friend is Considering an Abortion

 Listen to her. What is going on in her life to lead her to this difficult decision? Sometimes, what people need most during times of difficulty is not someone to fix all of their problems, but a listening ear, a warm hug, and the knowledge that you will be there for them no matter what. … Continued

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Why a Positive At Home Pregnancy Test Isn’t Enough

If you’ve seen any number of TV Shows or movies that feature a pregnant character, you know this scenario all too well: A nervous woman paces and picks up a pregnancy test off the counter, reads the results and almost instantly experiences a life change. While being pregnant certainly is life changing, determining pregnancy in … Continued

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Feeling Pressured to Abort? Know Your Rights!

  No matter your age, an unexpected pregnancy can be scary. It’s important to surround yourself with people who love and encourage you throughout this journey, as well as offer support for your decision about whether to continue with your pregnancy. Unfortunately, in some situations, pregnancy can cause the baby’s father, friends and family members … Continued

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Gonorrhea & Chlamydia: Signs to Look Out For

You’ve probably heard about sexually transmitted diseases, but did you know that gonorrhea and chlamydia are two of the most common? In fact, the CDC states there are more than 700,000 cases of gonorrhea and approximately 1.5 million cases of chlamydia in the United States per year. It is estimated that 1 in 20 sexually … Continued

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Signs of Grief after an Abortion

It’s not uncommon to feel emotional or psychological distress after making the decision to have an abortion. For some, the effects of grief might be felt right away. For others, signs of grief, depression or post-traumatic stress after an abortion may not show up for months or even years later. Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS), or Post … Continued

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What Expectant Moms Need to Know About Zika

News headlines and stories about the Zika virus affecting pregnant women can be frightening for an expectant mother. Options Medical Clinic wants you to be safe and informed. Here are answers to some of the questions you may have about the Zika virus while pregnant. What Is Zika? Zika virus disease is caused by the … Continued

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2 Must-Know Facts about The Abortion Pill

  Food and Drug Administration decided to relax prior guidelines regulating the abortion pill, also known as RU-486. The FDA regulations now allow women to take the abortion pill, which is actually a series of pills, up to 10 weeks into their pregnancy to induce a medical abortion in comparison to the previous 7-week deadline. … Continued

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Dos and Don’ts For A Clearer Path to Pregnancy

  Being pregnant is an exciting time, but soon after you see the positive sign on that little stick, your instant excitement may turn to nerves. The path to a healthy baby may seem overwhelming, but not to worry! Here are a few dos and don’ts to assist in a smooth pregnancy before your first … Continued

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