Whoa! You are probably experiencing a lot of emotions right now. If your partner is genuinely pregnant, it impacts you just as much as her. It’s OK to be overwhelmed. The two of you need to make the decision that’s best for everyone. Let us help both of you.

Do You Think She’s Really Pregnant?

What is the saying? “Fight or flight!” What if you didn’t do either of those? If you are a young man expecting a child you weren’t planning on, there are tons of questions and emotions you are more than likely experiencing.

No matter what your relationship is like now, you’re in this together. The first step, for both of you, is to confirm the pregnancy and find out how far along it is. We offer free in-clinic pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Don’t be afraid to come together, your partner needs your support and strength now more than ever.


  • Provide a listening ear. She will want to talk about what she is feeling too.
  • Ask about our resources to help both of you.
  • Think through it clearly. This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
  • Share your feelings. We know guys don’t usually do that, but now’s the time to talk.
  • Get the facts. Find out as much information as you possibly can.


  • Don’t panic. It’s OK to be scared, look into your options together.
  • Don’t take off. This is as much your concern as it is hers. If you disappear, she is going to feel abandoned and alone.
  • Avoid pressuring her. What she really needs is your support.
  • Don’t just blow it off as if it’s no big deal. You have a voice about what happens to your child.
  • Don’t let others influence your decision. Stand up for what you want.

An Action Plan

You may feel pressure to make one decision over another. Ultimately, you and your partner will have to decide what is best. The choices you make now will be for you both, for the rest of your lives. Come with her to Options Medical Clinic and get some answers. You, your partner, and one of our staff members can sit down, discuss your current life situation, your future hopes and dreams, and map out a plan that’s best for everyone. You two don’t have to do this alone.