Gonorrhea and Chlamydia – What Does That Even Mean?

  You’ve heard of the different types of STDs, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, but symptoms for one STD may be confused for another or symptoms may not appear at all. With more than half of the population experiencing an STD in their lifetime and 1 in 5 women between the ages of 15-24 having … Continued

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Have You Considered Adoption?

  An unplanned pregnancy can leave you feeling like you are in a tailspin. Your plans for the future will suddenly change and may bring about a tidal wave of questions and uncertainty. Everyone you know, from friends to your family, will have an opinion on what you should do. All of these thoughts will be valid … Continued

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Choices With Unplanned Pregnancy

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, it’s hard to know what to do first. Even though unplanned or crisis pregnancies are common, it doesn’t lessen the feeling of shock and fear an individual feels when the news is personal. At Options Medical Clinic, there is help available to women who face an unexpected pregnancy and … Continued

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I’m Pregnant, How Do I Decide what to Do?

Researchers estimate that people make about 35,000 decisions each day. Fortunately, most of them can be done quickly and without regret. Some of them, however, are life-changing decisions that take days, weeks, or even months to make and can weigh heavily on an individual for years to come, possibly changing the course of their life … Continued

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Getting the HPV Vaccination Can Lower Your Risk of Certain Cancers

In the recent years, we have heard a lot about HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, which can cause certain types of Cervical Cancer. You may have heard about it at school, or from your doctor. HPV is a common virus that is spread with sexual contact. It is most common among people in their 20’s but … Continued

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Having the Conversation: How to Tell Them What They Don’t Want to Know

  Let’s be honest…if you are a young teenager, in high school or college, telling your parents you’re pregnant is going to be one of the hardest things you ever have to do in life. There are a few things you need to remember: Many other women have been in this situation before, and they … Continued

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