Things You Can Get Free Before Planned Parenthood

woman walking on the lake shore

Before you schedule an appointment with Planned Parenthood, there are a few essential items to add to your to-do list! Our team at Options Medical Clinic is here to help you during this time and ensure you have the care and information you need to make an empowered decision.

Here are 3 essential things you can get for free before your appointment with Planned Parenthood: 

1. Lab-Quality Pregnancy Testing

Even if you’ve already taken an at-home pregnancy test, you’ll want to receive lab-quality pregnancy testing from your local pregnancy clinic. Once a positive test is confirmed, you’ll be guided through scheduling the necessary follow-up screenings and services to provide more information about your pregnancy. 


After you receive a positive pregnancy test, you’ll need to get an ultrasound scan to determine whether your pregnancy is viable. 

Whether you’re planning on getting an abortion or carrying the pregnancy to term, an ultrasound is an essential step in the process. Ultrasounds provide valuable insight into your pregnancy that will be important as you make a decision.

The scan will give you information like the age, location, and viability of the pregnancy and will help determine if there are any medical conditions that need to be addressed.

If you are considering abortion, you will need this information in order to know what type of abortion procedure they might be eligible for.

3.Free Options Counseling 

Knowledge is power and in the case of an unplanned pregnancy, the more information you have, the more empowered you’ll feel as you sift through the options available to you.

Options Medical Clinic offers time with a trained medical professional so you can ask any questions you may have and learn more about the choices and resources available to you. Contact us to schedule your free appointment today!