Can I Continue My Pregnancy After Taking the Abortion Pill?

Making a major decision can be stressful. Sometimes, people think that just picking an option will provide clarity. But what if you change your mind? Is it possible to go back? Not all decisions are final. Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, seems like one of those final decisions that cannot be undone. … Continued

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Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

With telemedicine services, you can get the abortion pill online. However, in doing so, you may be putting yourself at greater physical risk. The abortion pill may be a set of drugs, but it is still a serious medical procedure. Keep reading to learn more about considerations you should make for your health and wellness … Continued

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Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

We’re so glad you are asking this question before moving ahead! How far along you are in your pregnancy determines whether you can use the abortion pill method to terminate your pregnancy. It’s essential to know when you got pregnant. If you’re unsure, Options Medical Clinic can help you. Do You Use a Period Tracker … Continued

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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Are you considering abortion as you face an unexpected pregnancy? You may be wondering if you should tell your partner that you want an abortion. We understand your hesitation, as your partner may not agree with your decision or even show that he cares. Open Communication is Best We encourage women to communicate openly with … Continued

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The 3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, one of the options that will come up in your research is abortion. As you are weighing your different options, make sure you understand all the steps that should be taken before an abortion. These measures are recommended to protect your health and eliminate any possible complications. Take … Continued

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

One of the many major health risks of abortion is an incomplete abortion. Some signs that you could be experiencing incomplete abortion include vomiting, fever, or vaginal bleeding. It’s vital that you follow up with a doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms.  In this blog, we want to share more about … Continued

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Pregnancy tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in a woman’s blood or urine. This hormone is made during pregnancy.  What Type of Pregnancy Test Do I Need? There are pregnancy blood tests and pregnancy urine tests. If you just missed your period and are wondering if you are pregnant, a urine test … Continued

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Will GA Medicaid Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion Pill?

You just found out that your girlfriend is pregnant and as you consider your options together, you’re likely taking finances and your budget into account. You might be wondering if GA Medicaid can cover the cost of the abortion pill. Options Medical Clinic is here to guide you through this process and help you better … Continued

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What Are The Risks of Ordering The Abortion Pill Online?

Deciding if the abortion pill is right for you is a difficult decision. The thoughts and opinions of others may lead you to make a decision you wouldn’t otherwise make. While ordering the abortion pill online may seem easier than going to a doctor’s office, it’s important to take time to explore the potential risks … Continued

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Will Taking Several Birth Control Pills Cause an Abortion?

Everyone reacts differently to the news of an unexpected pregnancy. While some might spend time processing their emotions, others seek immediate action. If you are worried about being able to afford the cost of abortion or accessing abortion, you might even have considered using birth control pills to cause an abortion. Even though a drastic … Continued

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